Women Empowering : Dr. Vani Khare

We are honoured to kick off our “Women Empowering” Series with Dr. Vani Khare.

A scientist turned social hero, Dr. Vani Khare is a Guiness Book of World Record holder through her Faith Foundation.

They recently set the record for organising the biggest child safeguarding session in collaboration with V Force Media as part of Rakshana, a global movement against child abuse.

In Singapore and rest of South East Asia, Dr. Vani Khare impacts lives through her social enterprise, Sanrakshan Pte Ltd.

She has worked with children at risk, women and Rohingya refugees in collaboration with the city of Batam (at the invitation of the Mayor of Batam), a women’s shelter, a Singapore based Charity MKAC, and more!

She has also stared a platform, Drive to Passion, to help individuals reconnect with their passions and lead more fruitful and purposeful lives.

Dr. Vani Khare will also be sharing at The Women’s Symposium on 31st March 2018.

Thank you Dr. Vani Khare for impacting the lives of so many. You are a hero we are happy to celebrate!

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